Wellington Duck Breast with Raspberries Recipe
- 4 Skinless Culver Duck duck breasts Add to Cart »
- Puff pastry dough
- 1 package Culver Duck smoked duck breast, dried and sliced Add to Cart »
- Green peppercorns
- Raspberry jam
- Sea Salt
- Dijon mustard
1. Remove skin and fat from breasts and set aside for cooking. Season the skinless breasts with sea salt and green pepper-corns.
2. In a preheated frying pan, render the skin and fat from one breast; place the skinless breasts in the pan and sear for ap-prox. 1 1/2 min. on each side. Remove the breasts from heat and let rest for at least 5 min on a paper towel to absorb juices.
3. Preheat the over to 400F. Divide the puff pastry dough into four equal parts and roll to obtain 4 rectangles (6” x 8”).
4. Place the puff pastry on a cooking sheet and place one breast on each pastry, brush Dijon mustard on each breast and cover with raspberry jam.
5. Divide the smoked duck breast slices amongst each wellington and place them on top of the jam.
6. Wet the corners of the pastry with water and fold around the breast. Make sure they are well sealed.
7. Place in oven and cook for 15 min, finishing under broiler for 4 min un=l pastry is golden brown. Let rest 10 min before serving.