Our company’s vision is to be a significant contributor to the local community, and that starts with our people. Everyone at Culver Duck is given a sense of purpose and a voice to offer ideas. This creates honesty, which in turn, allows us to be the best supplier for our customers. There are numerous roles one can take on during the week which makes everyone’s efforts important.

If you are someone that likes a challenge, is willing to work in multiple areas, and likes to be part of a TEAM, then please reach out to us and say hello. Culver Duck Farms offers competitive wages, great benefits, PTO, 401(k), and much more. Please review our open positions and apply below.

Culver Duck Farms is an equal opportunity employer.

Job Listings

General Labor

Assist with various farm duties. Full time position.

Apply Now

Job Application

United States +1

Work Experience

¿Cuántos trabajos anteriores tienes que ingresar?

Job #1

United States +1

Job #2

United States +1

Job #3

United States +1

General Information/ Información general

Willing to work overtime/ Dispuesto a trabajar horas extras *
Are you at least 18 years old?/ ¿Tienes al menos 18 años de edad? *
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?/ ¿Alguna vez has sido condenado por un crimen? *

Education/ Educación

Did you graduate?/ ¿Te graduaste? *
Did you graduate?/ ¿Te graduaste?

Certification and Acknowledgement/ Certificación y reconocimiento

I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that to falsify information is grounds for refusing to hire me, or for discharge should I be hired. I authorize any person, organization or company listed on this application to furnish you any and all information concerning my previous employment, education and qualifications for employment. I also authorize you to request and receive such information. In consideration for my employment, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the company, which rules may be changed, withdrawn, added or interpreted at any time, at the company’s sole option and without prior notice to me. I also acknowledge that my employment may be terminated, or any offer or acceptance of employment withdrawn, at any time, with or without cause, and with or without prior notice at the option of the company or myself. --------------------
-------------------- Certifico que la información contenida en esta solicitud es correcta a mi leal saber y entender. Entiendo que para falsificar la información son motivos para negarse a contratarme, o para el despido debo ser contratado. Autorizo a cualquier persona, organización o empresa listada en esta solicitud para que le proporcione toda la información concerniente a mi empleo anterior, educación y calificaciones para el empleo. También le autorizo a solicitar y recibir dicha información. En consideración para mi empleo, acepto cumplir con las reglas y regulaciones de la empresa, que las reglas pueden ser modificadas, retiradas, agregadas o interpretadas en cualquier momento, a la única opción de la compañía y sin previo aviso a mí. También reconozco que mi empleo puede ser terminado, o cualquier oferta o aceptación de empleo retirado, en cualquier momento, con o sin causa, y con o sin previo aviso a la opción de la empresa o de mí mismo.